A another Sunday has passed, and for many across the world time has been spent in churches receiving teachings that instruct the blind to walk by sight and not by faith. What does this mean many would ask, “to walk by sight? It was stated by Paul to the Corinthians 2:7, and he spoke to…
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Religious deception, and the crowded path called… Destruction!
Two paths lie at your feet, life and Destruction. Which path do you walk?
Have you received the baptism of the Holy Spirit since you believed? No, then unto what name have you believed?
The blessed name of the the Savior given by Yahweh his Father is what?
Your Mind the only channel to God. Following the Messiah’s path within.
The mind. The unseen self, made in the image and likeness of God. Yahushua’s through his teachings show us the laws of mind, spiritual laws in action. Religion, he did not teach. Spiritual laws, called truth, he did.
Your Mind. The dark deceiver, or the great Creator…As a man thinketh.
As a man thinketh so is he. Do you not understand that this is spiritual, do not violate, law? Since the beginning of time-to now, those called to be sons and daughters of Yahweh, have continually violated his laws. His laws being spiritual wisdom that would enable men to be as Yahweh is. Have you…
Metaphysics of Faith.
The unreligious power within, called Faith.
Teach no more in that name! The true name of the Savior made known.
17# Then the high priest rose up, and all they that were with him, (which is the sect of the Sadducees,) and were filled with indignation. 18# And laid their hands on the apostles, and put them in the common prison. 19# But the angel of YEHOVAH by night opened the prison doors, and brought…
The Twenty Third Psalm. The Thug Mind eliminator.
The LORD is my shepherd. These first five words of the 23 Psalm represent the highest realm of spiritual thought that all men/women should strive to attain. It is the spiritual realm that Yahushua himself demonstrated in his three-year earthly ministry. It is/was a total sacrifice of the I, (ego) in position of conscious control,…