There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth!
For many who are alive today, and also, for many who have lived, this will be the reward for their living — being cast into a lake of fire. And, as it is written, There shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. For them, the cares and the riches of this world choke the word, and they are unprofitable. Who can escape you ask, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of Yahweh. Too that I say, there will be no escape, only repentance.
Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.
Here is the means by which the judgement of fire comes not upon you. Repentance, a change from your ungodly ways of thinking in disobedience to Yah’s word. It is by ungodly thoughts controlling the actions of your being that this judgement shall come upon you, therefore, it is by thought to be obedient to Yah’s word (repentance) that you shall be gathered like wheat and place in your Father’s barn.
The Kingdom of Heaven represents the realm in which the word of God rules. So in consciousness, or the Soul within where there is life, where dwells the real you, here is where repentance must take place, and you follow after the Messiah.
Take up your cross and follow me.
Here is where you come to the conclusion, and that with understanding, that your flesh mind, this carnal mind governed by lust and all forms of iniquity, leads you to the fiery pit. With prayer and meditation, you have taken up your cross to crucify that flesh, so that the spirit man, the real you can be raised up, or be resurrected within. No longer will you strive for the fruits of carnality, you have been raised up a quickening spirit seeking only after the ways of the Father, which is his word.
Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God…
This then is the Messiah’s Mind, or the Christ Mind within, and its path leads only to a oneness with our Heavenly Father.
“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ”
You can sing in the choir, burn incense, and have perfect church attendance, but these things mean naught without repentance within. Repentance within meaning; not the seeking of forgiveness for an outer act solely, but the mental change within, within consciousness where thoughts control.
“As a man thinketh so is he”
Here (in consciousness) you seek to follow after the ways of the Messiah, and not believe, and worship unto his existence only! Such is the way of many who fall prey to the teachings of those not filled with the Holy Spirit, who see not, nor enter into the Kingdom of Heaven because their eyes are filled with lust, and the cares and riches of this world choke the word, and yes, they are unfruitful; as well as those following their teachings. Can you not see their teachings represent the tares sprouting up within the wheat, and the wheat being the true word of Yehovah?
Do you not recall the Master’s words when he said in the parable of the Sower, how those who receive the word sown among thorns, such as hear the word, but the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lust of other things ENTERING IN, CHOKE the word, and it becomes unfruitful.
How often have you seen and heard these tv evangelists speak solely about money, and how God wants his children rich? When did you sow tares, the Angels ask? An enemy has done this, speaks the Father. Those that teach and preach money are pawns of the enemy. Remember the temptation of Yahushua in the wilderness, when Satan took him up to a high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world, their riches and glory, and said to him, “All these things will I give to you if you will FALL DOWN and worship me. Today, many a pastor, tempted in the same fashion, have fallen down to worship mammon. And the voice of the Master rings true, “Thou shalt worship Yehovah thy Elohim, and him only shall thy serve. And also, “You cannot serve Yahweh and mammon.”
Here is wisdom, the words entering in implies within consciousness where dwells the sheep essence, the aspect of mind, seeking and willing to find God. But the teachings by the pawns of the enemy have sprouted up within the wheat and many walk the path of darkness bearing no fruit.
Two paths exists within. One leads unto the father as it has been taught and demonstrated by the Master, who is called Savior, because only his teachings will save.
For those who find truth, like wheat they shall be gathered into your Father’s barn. But woe unto those who follow after the teachings of Satan’s pawns that bring forth tares, for their shall also be a gathering to be cast into the fiery pit. Who is awake, who can see? Has not the Master spoken concerning these false teachers, by saying, “They be blind leaders of the blind and all shall fall into the pit.”
The sign of the times indicate the gathering, and even so the casting is at hand. We know not the hour, nor the day, yet, we are told to watch and pray. I pray dear reader, your eyes are open, and you have set your path on following the one who rightfully is called your Savior, for this was his purpose.
“I have come that you might have life, and that more abundantly.”